The Flemish Minister of Nature, Agriculture and the Environment, Koen Van den Heuvel joined Circular Flanders in launching the VCB’s (Flemish Building Confederation) and OVAM's Green Deal on Circular Construction. In the spring of 2019, more than 300 organisations registered in two waves. That makes this Green Deal the most successful ever.
The Green Deal emphasises that a combination of practice and learning is the core of this policy. The participants start experiments and bring their accumulated knowledge and experience together in a learning network. We test tools, methodologies and new forms of chain cooperation.
In addition, a research group is making a concerted effort to develop the so-called preconditions to a circular economy, i.e. the legal, economic and other barriers to be faced and tackled along the way. Data and experiences from the experiments feed into this research and together we formulate solutions.
About four times a year, we gather the participants of the Green Deal to provide inspiration via presentations on Flemish and foreign cases. We also really get down to work on concrete issues that the participants table, such as tools and measuring instruments over the course of this event. The point is to work as a team to find out what the transition to a circular economy implies for the construction sector.
To participate in the Green Deal Circular Building, you must: