
Making circular construction feasible for individuals

There are many needs and desires among private builders for circular and change-oriented construction. In practice, however, these concerns are often overlooked during the building process. People fall back on familiar conventional techniques and solutions that are qualitative in the short term, but not future-proof or adaptable.

SensiParti aims to stimulate the circular building market for private individuals by starting from their needs. On the basis of five concrete cases, we show how everyday concerns of building owners have already led to more circular solutions. We bring the user's story, show the designer's answer, and give concrete examples of technical solutions after their implementation. Through inspiration tours, home visits and peer-to-peer exchange, we show how building owners themselves can get started with circular principles and with whom. SensiParti is an online and offline platform tailored to the client with concrete information and testimonials on circular building solutions.

Bond Beter Leefmilieu

Partners Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen