Circulair Bouwen Betaalbaar Wonen

Affordable and circular building in practice in Flanders

TEKEN architecture, in collaboration with MikeViktorViktor architects, BOUD, Systimber and Itho Daalderop, investigated the possibility of using change-oriented design and construction strategies to realise circular architecture that is affordable for individuals in the Flemish housing market. 

The starting point of this research is to create an adaptable, demountable and affordable single-family house: a concept house that meets the needs of citizens and thus facilitates the transition to future-oriented building. 

Using that practical case, we tested the applicability of circular design principles and construction methods and analysed the financial feasibility. We also investigated the added value of a manual that gives residents insight into the adaptability and possibilities of their homes. 

The progress of the project was amply documented with photos and videos on the project website.

Key results

Key lessons learned

  1. The pilot house constitutes a manageable, small-scale practical case through which we make various circular building products and design principles tangible for stakeholders. 
  2. We documented the construction of the house extensively (photos, videos, articles ...) to share as much knowledge as possible with stakeholders. In an info video, we also give the floor to the project partners and other stakeholders about the process and cooperation. 
  3. We conducted, in cooperation with doctoral student Margaux Lespagnard of the VUB, a financial analysis comparing circular building with traditional building in the long term.
  1. The circular house we realised in Berchem demonstrates that it is realistic to generate significant long-term financial gains with circularity principles. This is offset by limited additional costs during initial construction, but these are quickly recovered. 
  2. Practical cases are extremely important for disseminating learning lessons around circular construction and for getting dialogue out of theory. The demand for well-documented practical cases is therefore very high. 
  3. Applying movable internal walls is not so interesting both financially and environmentally in a small single-family house. That strategy is more relevant in buildings with higher adaptation frequency. 
  4. The product as a service agreement for techniques in these private homes in Flanders still encounters a psychological barrier: the client felt more responsible for the techniques than relieved.

What will the future bring? 

In the summer of 2022, a podcast was recorded for the Climate Festival 2022 and in October at Het Bos in Antwerp in collaboration with philosophical platform Troebel. In those podcasts, the concepts of circular building, affordable housing and alternative forms of living in the future were discussed in depth during an informal conversation.

Furthermore, the learning lessons from this project will be taken into account in projects such as the Interdisciplinary Circular Architecture Laboratory (ICAL) and the Platform for Circular Building Nodes (PvCB), where documenting and making insightful learning lessons from practical cases will be further explored.

TEKEN architectuur

Partners MikeViktorViktor architects, BOUD, Systimber en Itho Daalderop

Topics Recycling & Reuse › Raising awareness › Societal › Circular materials and building systems ›

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